Many people come to my office complaining about a small bump over their cheek area which creates a visible groove underneath the eye. Analyzing the causes, I came to the conclusion that the reason is laxity of the muscle that help close the eye. I developed a technique that improves this muscle laxity, which is a very unique procedure, that solves the problem and restores cheeks to a youthful look!
My secret: The Right Volume of fat in the Right Spot
Fat injection is a procedure that involves harvesting fat with a small tube (called a cannula) from the abdomen or flanks, and injecting it to the face. It is vital to have a surgeon with an artistic eye for proper placement of the fat to produce optimal results.
Though this procedure is now gaining popularity, Dr. Shahar has been performing the procedure for the past 15 years. Having done thousands of fat injections, Dr. Shahar has the experience and expertise to obtain optimal results.
Fat inhections lasts for years!
As filler, the fat injection can last for years in certain areas of the face and body. A fat injection can correct disproportion of facial features to bring balance and harmony to your face. It can enhance your cheeks, eliminate depression of your lower eyelid and nasolabial folds (deep folds that run from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth), or eradicate the pre-jowl depression. It is the preferred method of choice since your own fat is being used. Compared to other injectables with temporary results, this procedure provides long lasting results.
Fat injection is very effective in making you look younger.
Some patients may find it more effective than a mini-face lift. Most of the time, fat injection is performed together with a facelift. The procedure is done under local anesthesia, and you can return to work the next day.
There are numerous alternative filler substances used today as well. These include Restylane, Perlane and Radiesse. Each one of them has advantages and disadvantages. Dr. Shahar has selected only the best products, and will discuss the different options, available as well as the preferred substance for you.
The fat used in the fat injection procedure is autologous. In other words, it is taken from a donor site from your own body. This means allergic reactions are extremely rare and you also benefit from removing fat from another area in your body. Fat injection treatment is minimally invasive and does not require incisions.
How do fat injections work?
Fat injections, otherwise known as facial fat grafting, can be administered to the face. Fat injections requires harvesting from a specific “donor site” of your body (such as the buttocks or abdomen). A specific liposuction technique is used to extract the fat from the donor site, with a small tube (called a cannula). The suctioned fat from the donor area is then transferred to the face, as a graft.
When should you consider fat injections?
You may consider facial fat injections / facial fat grafts when you have deep facial wrinkles, hollows or creases. You may consider facial fat injections if you are looking for a more permanent facial correction procedure (in comparison to temporary fillers). Fat grafting / fat injections are a good procedure when it comes to filling bodily depressions and rejuvenating the face.
Are fat injections risky? do they hurt?
Fat injections (or facial fat grafting) are considered relatively safe and risk free as a cosmetic surgery procedure. There is very little risks for adverse effects when using your own fat as a filler. The discomfort from fat injections is usually minimal. It can easily be controlled with medication. Most patients take pain medication for the first two days. Doctor Shahar will provide you with the necessary prescriptions.
How long does it take to recover and are results permanent?
Some swelling, bruising may appear and last for about 48 hours. Patient should avoid the sun until it subsides. Recovery times vary from patient to patient. However, it should take no longer than 1-2 weeks of recovery time. The results are permanent. However, a small portion of the re-injected fat will be reabsorbed during the first six months. For a long-lasting effect, facial fat grafting patients generally receive 3 to 4 treatments over a six-month period. Fat injections last longest when the fat is injected in stationary areas (such as the cheeks).
Ready for next steps?
You are now considering a facial fat injection procedure. Please call our office at (212) 717-4066 (NYC) or Book a Consultation to arrange for a free consultation with Dr. Shahar. Our New York City practice: Natural Look Institute, accommodates New Yorkers, out of town and international patients.